Sunday, June 26, 2011


Life is full of wonderful surprises and learning experiences!  One day your eyes open to what is true, honest and pure.  When this happens, you'll be able to tap into the very BEST God has for you! 

Sometimes life is moving so fast, you have to take a moment to stop and appreciate all the wonderful things around you!  If you're blessed to have wonderful friends and family surrounding you with unconditional love, that's something to be thankful for!  Sometimes we spend so much time concentrating and focusing on the future, we forget to take time to enjoy and appreciate the present. 

Despite what's going on in your life right now, if you look around, I guarantee you'll find something to be grateful for!  Take some time and meditate on the good in your life and enjoy the present.  Right now, we are creating future memories!  :)

1 comment:

Anna said...

Yes Sheila, You are right!!! Today is the day that we have received from God to Love and to Cherish what we have and to seize the moment. This moment will never ever return. It is not always easy and we have to work at it with all our strength. God knows that we are but humans and are learning and growing every day. He is faithful to show us our mistakes and sometimes protect us from mistakes we already made.
Faithful is He who started a good work in us, He will also finish it!!!