Saturday, June 18, 2011

Make It Count

What's going on in your life right now is not by accident!  Part of our life's journey is growing from lessons learned.  It is the fabric of our experiences that propel us to grow beyond our imagination. 

Make your experiences count!  Each moment in time, make a conscious effort to move forward and be who you are destined to be.  You are strong, unique and ready to meet the challenge ahead!

The time is now!  No more looking back!  No more making excuses!  Grab your vision and start living it one day at a time.  In order to move forward, you must NOT be afraid to take the first step. 

Take the leap and put one foot in front of the other.  Your divine destiny is only a few steps away.  Remember, no one can be who God destined YOU to be!

Make it count!  You have the ability to put your trials and tribulations into perspective by gaining wisdom from them.  Choose to GROW from your obstacles, embrace your vision and move forward. 

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