Saturday, July 2, 2011

This Is The Day

This is the day new life begins! This is the day where everything comes into perspective for you. Realize your true worth and proceed through the doors of what God has for you! Your destiny awaits and it's time to move into the next level of your life that will touch and bless others.

No matter what you're going through right now, you have the necessary tools to help someone else! Your perseverance and diligence can be a testimony to someone who is lost, distraught and looking for a reason to "press on" in this journey called life. We all have situations that challenge us to our very core. If we believe God will never put more on us than we can bear, we can succeed despite hindering circumstances!

There is a purpose, a season, a time for everything. Life is full of growth experiences that transition us to where we need to be. We can choose to move forward with grace and deliverance. Trials and tribulations really do come to make us strong. Once we learn, we grow and transcend to a level where we are bound to help someone else.

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