Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy New Year

It's a wonderful new season of new beginnings.  The sky is the limit to what can be achieved through your life.  It's time for you to claim everything God has for you in the new year.  There are great, abundant, bountiful blessings prepared especially for you!   

This year was quite challenging for many.  It was a year of transition, a time of testing, a time of growing, a time of refreshing, a turning point, leading you to a place such as this.  It's a place where you have experienced great pain only to open your arms to receive the choice blessings God has for you.

Sometimes you have to let go in order to receive.  If you are still holding on to past hurts, trust issues, uncertainty, doubt, and other negative feelings, you are unconsciously blocking the blessings in your future.  One of the most precious gifts one can give is forgiveness, not only for others but for oneself.  You have to stop blaming and punishing yourself for past mistakes.

It's time to move forward in a new direction.  It is a time to unlock the beauty you have both inside and out and be who you were born to be!  You were given a divine assignment at birth, an assignment to change the world in your own special way.  You have a gift that no one else has.  Yes, you know what it is.  It's what you've been putting off because of fear or disapproval from others. 

I challenge you today to reach beyond your comfort zone and receive what God has for you.  There is a life of abundance and freedom in God.  He has the power to guide you through life's challenges and lead you to a place where you are free to be who he created you to be!  Seize God's best for you in 2012! 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Celebrating Friendship

There are so many things in life to be thankful for!  We are all products of our experiences, challenges, our hopes and our dreams.  We were created to live our divine purpose.  Our purpose is designed to propel us to a place where we have learned from our experiences and are able to move forward in confidence and peace. 

When I look at my life, I am so very thankful.  I have life, wonderful friends and family that make life sweet.  It is the people within our lives that add so much to the content of our character.  The ones that speak hope, strength, joy and truth are gifts from God. 

Friendship is chosen and earned through exchanges of trust.  It's something given to us by God to help us through life's journey.  Have you told your friends how grateful you are for them?  If not, pause and do it today! 

Friday, October 28, 2011


Let's honor GREAT friendships today!  Despite busy schedules, friends always find a way to connect on a special level.  No matter what comes, the size of our circles, good friends are priceless jewels.  Take the time to appreciate a friend today!

F - Friends are the jewels of a lifetime.
R - Real friends enjoy seeing God's best in you.
I - I will be the friend others cherish.
E - Everyone needs a friend at some point during life's journey.
N - Now is the time to appreciate the friends that strengthen you.
D - Don't ever underestimate the power of true friendship.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Growth is a result of lessons learned throughout life’s journey.  Everything happens for a reason to propel us to grow in ways that challenge our comfort zone.  Growing can be a painful process but the end result is priceless.  There comes a time in life when we become thankful for every challenge.  They open our eyes to a new reality confirming God is in control of every situation.  Our God promises to "never put more on us than we can bear.”

Despite what's going on in your life right now, God is able to “do exceedingly abundantly above all that we may ask or think.”  God's challenging us to look to him, to see him as the answer to a hopeless situation.  In his time, clarity will come.  You will begin to see a brighter day and start living in your purpose.  You will see every single obstacle as a piece of the puzzle making up this journey called life.
It’s such a blessing to be in a peaceful state, knowing God is in control, knowing you are not alone, knowing he’s there to deliver you from the hand of your enemies.  Remember, when you come out of your challenges victoriously, your test becomes a testimony of God’s favor in your life.  Don’t be afraid of the capacity God sees in you.  It's the road map to your divine destiny!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's A New Day

It's an amazing time! It’s a time to rejoice, a time to sing, a time to laugh and enjoy God’s choice blessings in our lives. This is a time to live our dreams, to help someone else, to be an example of the positive change that happens when God lives within our heart.

I'm convinced today that everything happens for a reason, sometimes only for a season so we can grow into God's divine plan for our lives. Each circumstance, each obstacle, each blessing, each promise, each level of maturity brings us to a place where we can claim our place and position in God. A place where we are confident he's always there for us, loving us, encouraging us and giving us peace the world cannot satisfy.

Do you want joy? Do you want peace? Do you long for freedom beyond comprehension? This comes from God. In him there is freedom, liberty, growth, understanding, joy, grace, mercy and unconditional love. Without God, we would be limited by our own abilities. His direction brings clarity, his guidance brings peace, his lead brings purpose and his presence brings security.

We are ALL a blessing in one way or another. We all have a gift to bring to the table, an encouraging word, a unique talent, strength, a divine calling in our lives. I challenge you today to explore and be who God created you to be. Remember, it's a new day! There are new and exciting days are ahead. God is there, waiting with loving arms to guide us through anything. He loves us, he adores us, and he is eternally there for us each and every day!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I Can See Clearly Now

The clouds will one day start to fade and you will see the light of new opportunities, new goals and new dreams. New life will begin to blossom right before your very eyes. This triumph comes through hard trials and tribulations that have made you strong and wise. You are now able to see through the clouded glasses of fear and despair, able to persevere and embrace who you were born to be!

Change is not an easy thing. It transforms you. It changes you. It balances you. It renews you and brings to you a whole new level of self discovery, peace, love and joy. Once you move to this level, you will be able to be a blessing to those who are right behind you. There are many who are lost in a sea of crowds, smiling with tears filled within, and wondering when they will see the "breaking of day" during what seems to be endless nights.

Be encouraged today my friends! There is a level beyond the pain, a level of gain that puts you in a place where the smiles are real, the laughter is loud, the love is deep and the friendship is real. It's a level where you are comfortable being you, comfortable with the imperfections, the uniqueness in which you were divinely made. Don't give up, you're almost there! Your road leads to a place where you are free to be who God created you to be!

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Today I’m uplifted by so many things,
Life surrounds me so beautifully, I feel like I have wings,
Wings to soar high above the sky,
Amazed by God’s grace, this I can’t deny…
I’m uplifted with joy, peace and love
The kind that comes from God above,
There is one thing I can truly say,
I’m uplifted by God’s love in my heart today.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

God Knows How To Get Your Attention

There are times we must go through things in life for God to get our attention! Have you ever found yourself getting closer to God after a troubling or challenging situation in your life? That is not by accident! God wants us to put him first in our lives. He wants to be part of our decisions, our efforts, our pursuits and goals. He wants to lead and guide us to our purpose and a path that not only benefit ourselves but others as well.

One of the greatest gifts you can give someone is the rewards of learning from life's experiences. It is the jewel that is buried deep in our trials and tribulations. The jewel is the testimony of the test that God brought you through. Though the storms sometimes rage in our lives, we are not alone. We serve a mighty BIG God that is bigger than your current situation. He knows the beginning and the end. All he wants us to do is trust that he has our hand, trust that he will be there like a dedicated father to his son, with unconditional love.

In life, we all make mistakes! The growth piece is to learn from them and sour to another level in God. He teaches through life experiences and challenges us to overcome them with him on our side. I challenge you today to look for the jewel in your own circumstances. What is God trying to tell you? What is the jewel that you must learn and share with others? Be of good courage, knowing we "walk by faith and not by sight". There is triumph and joy on the other side of your obstacles!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What a Difference A Day Makes

Have you ever noticed during your darkest moments, life seems a bit overwhelming? Well, that happens to the very best of us! I challenge you today to persevere and wait with patience for a new day. Each day is full of wonderful possibilities. We can choose to handle them with grace and hope through our amazing God.

When I think about how I'm able to triumph through this journey called life, I realize that I'm not alone in my endeavors. There is someone there, helping me, encouraging me, challenging me, lifting me up and letting me know the best is yet to come! God is there whispering his message of peace and joy. Then I realize ... "This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!"

How great it is that God there for us, waiting patiently to take our burdens, our cares, our concerns and insecurities. There has never been a problem too difficult, a burden too heavy, a person too broken that God could not heal. He is there for each of us, to make our burdens light. "Cast all our cares upon him, for he cares for you"!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

This Is The Day

This is the day new life begins! This is the day where everything comes into perspective for you. Realize your true worth and proceed through the doors of what God has for you! Your destiny awaits and it's time to move into the next level of your life that will touch and bless others.

No matter what you're going through right now, you have the necessary tools to help someone else! Your perseverance and diligence can be a testimony to someone who is lost, distraught and looking for a reason to "press on" in this journey called life. We all have situations that challenge us to our very core. If we believe God will never put more on us than we can bear, we can succeed despite hindering circumstances!

There is a purpose, a season, a time for everything. Life is full of growth experiences that transition us to where we need to be. We can choose to move forward with grace and deliverance. Trials and tribulations really do come to make us strong. Once we learn, we grow and transcend to a level where we are bound to help someone else.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Life is full of wonderful surprises and learning experiences!  One day your eyes open to what is true, honest and pure.  When this happens, you'll be able to tap into the very BEST God has for you! 

Sometimes life is moving so fast, you have to take a moment to stop and appreciate all the wonderful things around you!  If you're blessed to have wonderful friends and family surrounding you with unconditional love, that's something to be thankful for!  Sometimes we spend so much time concentrating and focusing on the future, we forget to take time to enjoy and appreciate the present. 

Despite what's going on in your life right now, if you look around, I guarantee you'll find something to be grateful for!  Take some time and meditate on the good in your life and enjoy the present.  Right now, we are creating future memories!  :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's A Mystery

It's a mystery why things turn out the way they do.  One thing is certain, the growth that takes place during phenomenal change is simply amazing.  As you enter into the next phase of your life, stop and think about the journey that got you there.  All the people, circumstances and issues that propelled you forward to a new place of excellence are part of your growth process.

Forgive those who trespassed against you and forgive yourself for allowing it.  This is key to moving forward to where God has destined you to be!  You are special to God and many people are there watching you from the sidelines and cheering you on.  So don't give up!  We're counting on you to walk in the goodness and mercy God has planned for you!  :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

There Is A Reason

Have you ever wondered, "Why me?" I'm a great person, why does it seem like I'm "walking through the shadow of death"?  There is a reason!  You are at the brink of something exciting and new.  This is just a portal, a gateway to lessons learned for a phenomenal future.  Just what if everything you're going through will one day help someone else?  What if you are being prepared to walk into your divine destiny?

Don't give up, persevere and stay the course!  Your light of day is just around the corner.  Everyone, even the best people experience obstacles, misery and pain but they all have something in common.  One day, maybe in the distant future, they come out of it.  You too can go through to the finish line!  You are equipped to reach the next level in your life.

Make a difference in your life.  This difference will one day help you to be an advocate to someone else, to help them along their journey of life.  It's a circle, we go through the toughest things that seem unbearable, only to learn, to grow and let our experience propel us to a level where we are strong enough to help someone else.

So go, be strong and endure!  There is more to come. This is not the end for you, it's just the beginning.  Go, and enter into the very best God has for you. He is the one that opens doors, he's the one that can rejuvenate a dying situation.  He's the one than can bring life to the things that seem dead in your life.  Trust him today, trust God to be the difference in your life!  :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

To God be the Glory

Each day brings a new opportunity!  Each day brings a chance to live life to the fullest.  There is so much to be thankful for!  When I look at all I've been through and how God has ALWAYS been there for me, I'm humbled by his faithfulness in my life.  The joy of him being there for me through life's challenges has brought joy to me in so many ways.

Many people ask HOW I find the courage to be optimistic about life.  I can TRULY say it's GOD that makes the difference!  He fills "the emptiness" that so many people are trying to fill.  He brings me comfort, strength and hope in an unkind world.  I'm so thankful to have GOD as my father.  I've learned it's more about my RELATIONSHIP with him that makes the difference in my life.  He has NO respect of person and what he does for me, he can do for you too!

I find unconditional love, strength, hope and peace in GOD!  Through him, I find meaning, courage and direction in my life.  He's allowed me to move forward in ways beyond my imagination.  To God be the glory for ALL the GREAT things he has done in my life.  I am grateful for his favor and the opportunity to share my relationship with him with you!!!  :)

Make It Count

What's going on in your life right now is not by accident!  Part of our life's journey is growing from lessons learned.  It is the fabric of our experiences that propel us to grow beyond our imagination. 

Make your experiences count!  Each moment in time, make a conscious effort to move forward and be who you are destined to be.  You are strong, unique and ready to meet the challenge ahead!

The time is now!  No more looking back!  No more making excuses!  Grab your vision and start living it one day at a time.  In order to move forward, you must NOT be afraid to take the first step. 

Take the leap and put one foot in front of the other.  Your divine destiny is only a few steps away.  Remember, no one can be who God destined YOU to be!

Make it count!  You have the ability to put your trials and tribulations into perspective by gaining wisdom from them.  Choose to GROW from your obstacles, embrace your vision and move forward. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Looking Ahead

Sometimes it's hard to focus on the future through the lenses of the present.  Despite what is going on in your life right now, there is LIFE at the end of the tunnel for you!

Don't give up!  Persevere with courage knowing you have what it takes to move forward in your life.  Forgive yourself for past failures and mistakes and move towards the future with great expectation.  Life is what you CHOOSE to make it!

Make today your new beginning!  Make the choice today to do things differently!  When we have the courage to be who we TRULY are and do the things that "make our heart sing", we are on the road to our purpose, our destiny!  We are then able to unlock the door to the many wonderful things life has for us! 

So don't give up my friend, persevere!  You are NOT alone!  There are people who care and support your vision!  You may feel like you're unable to control the things that are happening to you right now, but you CAN control how you CHOOSE to react to them!  Stand tall, knowing that your future will be brighter because of lessons learned along the way!!!  :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Does anyone just LOVE change?  Change is a process!  It's stepping into something "new"!  There are endless possibilities to change.  Change gives you options.  Change gives you the ability to move forward and out of your stagnated state. 

Dare to change!  Dare to dream!  Dare to come out of your comfort zone and embrace the future with great expectation.  There is a WHOLE world out there just waiting to be embraced with the uniqueness you bring! 

Be a leader!  Go where your dreams are!  Be free to embrace what lies ahead.  You must CHOOSE to do something new!  Don't let fear stop you from your destiny!