Saturday, May 7, 2016

Blessed Beyond Measure

Today is the day for change!  You are blessed beyond measure.  You are powerful and have a divine purpose!  Each of us has the tenacity and perseverance to obtain and receive what God has destined for us and our beautiful families.  Your life is by divine design.  You were custom made for the road ahead.  Despite the challenges life may bring, always remember you are blessed beyond measure.

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Everything in life happens for a reason.  Challenges are merely a gateway to GREAT opportunity.  You have exemplified triumph, resilience and beauty by being a survivor.  I see that in you because here you stand, unshaken, strengthened and resilient!  I believe in YOU!  Be strong!  Your BEST days are ahead of you.  Your past was a stepping stone to your divine purpose.