Saturday, July 30, 2011


Today I’m uplifted by so many things,
Life surrounds me so beautifully, I feel like I have wings,
Wings to soar high above the sky,
Amazed by God’s grace, this I can’t deny…
I’m uplifted with joy, peace and love
The kind that comes from God above,
There is one thing I can truly say,
I’m uplifted by God’s love in my heart today.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

God Knows How To Get Your Attention

There are times we must go through things in life for God to get our attention! Have you ever found yourself getting closer to God after a troubling or challenging situation in your life? That is not by accident! God wants us to put him first in our lives. He wants to be part of our decisions, our efforts, our pursuits and goals. He wants to lead and guide us to our purpose and a path that not only benefit ourselves but others as well.

One of the greatest gifts you can give someone is the rewards of learning from life's experiences. It is the jewel that is buried deep in our trials and tribulations. The jewel is the testimony of the test that God brought you through. Though the storms sometimes rage in our lives, we are not alone. We serve a mighty BIG God that is bigger than your current situation. He knows the beginning and the end. All he wants us to do is trust that he has our hand, trust that he will be there like a dedicated father to his son, with unconditional love.

In life, we all make mistakes! The growth piece is to learn from them and sour to another level in God. He teaches through life experiences and challenges us to overcome them with him on our side. I challenge you today to look for the jewel in your own circumstances. What is God trying to tell you? What is the jewel that you must learn and share with others? Be of good courage, knowing we "walk by faith and not by sight". There is triumph and joy on the other side of your obstacles!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What a Difference A Day Makes

Have you ever noticed during your darkest moments, life seems a bit overwhelming? Well, that happens to the very best of us! I challenge you today to persevere and wait with patience for a new day. Each day is full of wonderful possibilities. We can choose to handle them with grace and hope through our amazing God.

When I think about how I'm able to triumph through this journey called life, I realize that I'm not alone in my endeavors. There is someone there, helping me, encouraging me, challenging me, lifting me up and letting me know the best is yet to come! God is there whispering his message of peace and joy. Then I realize ... "This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!"

How great it is that God there for us, waiting patiently to take our burdens, our cares, our concerns and insecurities. There has never been a problem too difficult, a burden too heavy, a person too broken that God could not heal. He is there for each of us, to make our burdens light. "Cast all our cares upon him, for he cares for you"!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

This Is The Day

This is the day new life begins! This is the day where everything comes into perspective for you. Realize your true worth and proceed through the doors of what God has for you! Your destiny awaits and it's time to move into the next level of your life that will touch and bless others.

No matter what you're going through right now, you have the necessary tools to help someone else! Your perseverance and diligence can be a testimony to someone who is lost, distraught and looking for a reason to "press on" in this journey called life. We all have situations that challenge us to our very core. If we believe God will never put more on us than we can bear, we can succeed despite hindering circumstances!

There is a purpose, a season, a time for everything. Life is full of growth experiences that transition us to where we need to be. We can choose to move forward with grace and deliverance. Trials and tribulations really do come to make us strong. Once we learn, we grow and transcend to a level where we are bound to help someone else.